Healing Today is proud that we have provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999.


Reiki is a wonderful natural healing modality and we want to make it available to everyone.


Please do not be mislead by the low tuition for our classes. You will receive everything that you need to successfully use Reiki for self healing and to practice with others.

The Reiki training in Jacksonville will take place in Orange Park, 32073.  The classes are limited in size and must be pre-registered. We will send a confirmation email with the exact address and other instructions.   Yes, you may sign up for 1, 2, or all 3 levels.

Level 1 - New dates added soon

Hours:  10 am - 3 pm

The classes are always fun, informative and include lots of hands-on experience.

Reiki Level 1 in Jacksonville: $110

The tuition includes class handout, attunement, and certification.


Level 2 - New dates added soon

Hours:  3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Reiki Level 2 in Jacksonville: $120

The tuition includes class handout, attunement, and certification


Level 3/Reiki Master - New dates added soon

Hours:  10 am - 2 pm

Reiki Level 3 in Jacksonville: $195

The tuition includes class handout, attunement, and certification.

We are always available to answer questions by email; External link opens in new tab or windowinfo@healingtoday.com and by phone 813-748-0761

Please note: Group classes are limited in size and all seats are reserved. If you are unable to attend, please notify Healing Today at least 48 hours before class. You may reschedule class for next class offered.

For more information check our Course Description and External link opens in new tab or windowFrequently Asked Questions pages.

Other locations for Reiki training in Florida

Tampa Bay area          External link opens in new tab or windowFt. Lauderdale / Miami     West Palm Beach.   Orlando.     Naples

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